Sunday, February 23, 2020

Silence within!

Silence within!

I talked to you,
I listened to you,
I felt you always.
And you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

When you wept, I cried
When you went astray, 
I directed you to right path.
And you ignored me.
I was waiting silently,
to be heard some other time.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your excitement and merriment
I was there waiting for you 
to make me your partner.
In your expressions and depression
I was there waiting for you
to counsel you and solace you.
And, you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your conversations and arguments,
I was there waiting for you
to tell you that it's not worth of.
In your enriches and cherishes
I was there waiting for you
to tell you that it's not worth of.
And, you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your building and breaking relationships
I was there waiting for you
to tell you its impermanence.
In your hasty cravings and nasty ravings,
I was there warning you,
that it's not required.
And you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In search of me,
you've wandered and straddled,
you've read scriptures and books,
you've visited temples and churches,
you've visited mosques and pagodas,
you've met priests and saints.
Still you couldn't find me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

Instead of taking billions of steps without
you could have taken half-a-step within
and you would've found me
waiting eternally for you to turn within.

Why do you bother now? 
You could have listened to me initially when I warned you.
Why do you weep now? 
You could heed to my advise that I gave you every time.
Why do you suffer and repent now? 
You could have heard my silent warnings.

It is still not late,
stop all wanderings,
stop all conversations,
stop all seeking,
stop doing all and
just enter within.
Make me your friend, O my Friend!
and find the eternal solace.
For, I am waiting eternally
within you to take you
to the Abode of Eternal Silence,
to my Eternal Beloved - The Eternal Nothingness.
Don't ignore me now.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

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