Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What is Light?

In reality everything is within us - the light also. There are our identities and concepts to which we are holding to, that are stopping us from seeing the light. Hence, we need to let go those identities and concepts. Then light is seen and we come to a realization that it was ever there and we are already that. Just because of our holding to identities and concepts is what is preventing us from seeing this light.

In school we are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, we are given a test that teaches us a lesson. Life is full of learnings' and un-coverings. Till the last layer is uncovered, we don't know what we Truly are!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What is Krishna?

What is Krishna?

The word "Krishna (कृष्ण)" consists of two alphabets "kri" (कृ) and "shna" (ष्ण). When we utter the alphabet "kri" (कृ) the uvula gets opened and when we utter the alphabet "shna" (ष्ण) the tongue touches the upper palate. Now when we inhale and with inhalation if we start from moolaadhaara to aajnaa chakra and mentally chanting "kri" (कृ) and during exhalation from aajnaa chakra to moolaadhaara while mentally chanting "shna" (ष्ण); a kind of yogic technique called "Krishna Yoga" happens. This whole practice of Krishna Yoga is embedded in the word "Krishna (कृष्ण)" and that is what "Krishna (कृष्ण)" means. A saadhak (साधक) who can understand this, by practice that saadhak will reach "Krishna (कृष्ण)".

Now at the end of inhalation when the breath stops and then we become aware of where the focus of our consciousness moves. And if we are doing it consciously and become aware of it completely, then our focus gently moves to almost the top of the head towards Sahasraara.

The above practice means that with inhalation and mentally coinciding that inhalation with  "kri" (कृ) and having a pause there for whatever comfortable time we become aware of our focus moving to Sahasraara and then with exhalation and mentally coinciding that exhalation with "shna" (ष्ण) and by repeating this process we can slowly shift our consciousness to Sahasraara. Thus Krishna will take us to Shiva.

Same way Christ also. The word Christ Chri expands the uvula and the St makes the tongue touch the upper palate.