Friday, February 28, 2020

The Cause-less!

The Cause-less!

Suffering in the relative?
Become cause-less.

Entangled in the relative?
Become cause-less.

Struggling in the relative?
Become cause-less.

Undergoing the process of dis-ease?
Become cause-less.

Stuck in re-incarnations?
Become cause-less.

Cause is the reason
for every happening
and desire is the cause.
To become cause-less,
be desire-less.

The cause-less
leads to Nothingness.

The Law of Inter-relationships

The Law of Inter-relationships

Myriad causes will lead to an event.
Myriad events might lead to a Cause.
The cause and event are inter-related.
For it's governed by the law of inter-relationships.

Every thought that is thought of,
every thing that is made,
every particle that is created in this universe,
are all inter-related.
For it's governed by the law of inter-relationships.

For an event to happen, 
myriad inter-related causes are required.
For a great Cause to happen,
myriad inter-related events are required.
For it's governed by the law of inter-relationships.

Every event that happened had myriad causes.
Every Cause that surfaced had myriad events.
The knower of this truth,
places the heart in the absolute
and plays the drama of causes and events,
in the relative realm - detached.

For the event-less to happen,
the cause-less has to happen.
The desires are the causes,
for the event of the Universe.
The knower of this truth,
will become event-less and
places the heart in the nothingness.
For it's governed by the law of inter-relationships.

Understanding desire-cause-event relationship is not easy. There is an anecdote in the Ramayana. After Rama comes back from Lanka, he approaches Hanuman, hugs him and tells him that the help he has rendered can never be paid back and Rama would not like to pay back as the desire to pay back will put Hanuman into difficulty. Hence Rama says that he will not pay back Hanuman's help and hugs him.

Most of the people have a right intention to help others. However, in our desire to help others, are we desiring to someone else to suffer? Question this approach and this reality. When we are desiring to help someone, we are also desiring to someone to suffer. One's desire of helping is becoming a cause for an event of suffering to happen in others. Understanding the law of inter-relationships accurately will turn one to tend towards cause-less and eventually become desire-less.

In the relativistic world let the help happen through your body, but never desire to help, or anticipate for some kind of a return. Pray for others that their desires be exhausted. That is the greatest help one can do. Help others in making them desire-less.

When we help others to become desire-less, it will be lead to cause-less which ceases all the futuristic events finally leading to liberation from the cycle and law of inter-relationships.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mind - The Unseen Awe! - 2

Mind - The Unseen Awe! - Part 2

O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!
Knowing that,
you are not to be controlled -
but to be transcended,
has freed me from guilt,
has freed me from resentment,
has freed me from shame,
has freed me from repentance,
has freed me from anger,
has freed me from pride,
has freed me from all burdens of emotional worries
has freed me from all burdens of psychological blocks,
has freed me from all identities, 
has freed me from all opinions,
has freed me from all idiosyncrasies,
has freed me from all dis-eases,
has eased my life and
made all my efforts effortless.

O Mind!
you being unseen and strong,
my Heart being transparent and pure,
help me transcend from the seen to the Unseen,
help me transcend from the felt to the Un-felt,
help me transcend from the perceivable to the Un-perceivable,
help me transcend from the creation to the Creator,
help me transcend from the relative to the Absolute,
help me transcend from the tangible to the Intangible,
help me transcend from the something-ness to the Eternal Nothingness,
and merge me into the Eternal Nothingness

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mind - The Unseen Awe!

Mind - The Unseen Awe!

O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

The thoughts that originate from you
are the causes for everything,
and the effect of those causes,
creates and changes everything.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

Whilst the thought is unseen as you are unseen,
the effect of thought creates a chemical 
and brings a change that 
either runs the body or destroys it.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

We the ignorant could not
understand the whole reason
of your existence.
As you are unseen O Mind.
The unseen indicating a 
physical non-existence
inferring everything is happening
from Nothing.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

You are the bridge showing the way
for transcending 
from this physical, relativistic world
into the Nothingness 
from which everything has been created.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

You are the bridge between the seen and the Unseen.
You are the bridge between the felt and the Un-felt.
You are the bridge between the perceivable and the Un-perceivable.
You are the bridge between the creation and the Creator.
You are the bridge between the relative and the Absolute.
You are the bridge between the tangible and the Intangible.
You are the bridge between the something-ness and the Nothingness.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

Bridges are never controlled,
they are to be used as a tool to move on to the other side.
You inferred every time that everything is nothing.
You are that - not to be controlled but to be transcended,
to merge back into Nothingness
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Silence within!

Silence within!

I talked to you,
I listened to you,
I felt you always.
And you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

When you wept, I cried
When you went astray, 
I directed you to right path.
And you ignored me.
I was waiting silently,
to be heard some other time.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your excitement and merriment
I was there waiting for you 
to make me your partner.
In your expressions and depression
I was there waiting for you
to counsel you and solace you.
And, you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your conversations and arguments,
I was there waiting for you
to tell you that it's not worth of.
In your enriches and cherishes
I was there waiting for you
to tell you that it's not worth of.
And, you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In your building and breaking relationships
I was there waiting for you
to tell you its impermanence.
In your hasty cravings and nasty ravings,
I was there warning you,
that it's not required.
And you ignored me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

In search of me,
you've wandered and straddled,
you've read scriptures and books,
you've visited temples and churches,
you've visited mosques and pagodas,
you've met priests and saints.
Still you couldn't find me.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

Instead of taking billions of steps without
you could have taken half-a-step within
and you would've found me
waiting eternally for you to turn within.

Why do you bother now? 
You could have listened to me initially when I warned you.
Why do you weep now? 
You could heed to my advise that I gave you every time.
Why do you suffer and repent now? 
You could have heard my silent warnings.

It is still not late,
stop all wanderings,
stop all conversations,
stop all seeking,
stop doing all and
just enter within.
Make me your friend, O my Friend!
and find the eternal solace.
For, I am waiting eternally
within you to take you
to the Abode of Eternal Silence,
to my Eternal Beloved - The Eternal Nothingness.
Don't ignore me now.
Who am I?
I am your friendly neighbor,
the Silence within you.

It is a memory!

It is a memory!

What all 
I have seen, 
presently seeing or 
going to see in future,
will just be a memory 
and naught else.

What all 
I have heard, 
presently hearing or 
going to hear in future,
will just be a memory 
and naught else.

What all 
I have uttered, 
presently uttering or 
going to utter in future,
will just be a memory 
and naught else.

What all 
I have perceived, 
presently perceiving or 
going to perceive in future,
will just be a memory 
and naught else.

Unknowing that it's 
just going to be a memory
I have 
build dreams and mansions, 
created all kinds of tribulations,
craved grotesque desires,
and succumbed to delusion.

Unknowing that it's
just going to be a memory
gave unnecessary 
importance and priority
to this delusory world.

My ideas, aspirations, dreams,
my opinions, arguments,
discussions, philosophy,
spirituality, worldliness,
good, bad, ugly,
love, hatred,
all and everything is 
just a memory 
being felt
in this moment
for just to undergo
pain and pleasurable

Unknowing that
a memory is just an illusion 
and its transitory existence -
craved for more and more memories
and started running 
for education, partner,
marriage, children, etc.,
in this delusory world

Unknowing that it's
just going to be a memory
got entangled - whilst suppose to be free,
cried for - whilst suppose to laugh at,
did everything - whilst suppose to do nothing,
and ignored the eternal Nothingness.

O Memory!, 
realize that you are 
just a memory and nothing.

Stop bothering me with memories
for you are just only a memory,
and naught else.

Thine Enriching Silence!

Thine Enriching Silence!

O Eternal One!
Thy Silence is enriching.

Sourced words
from thine enriching silence.

Felt and heard breath 
from thine enriching silence

Moved every cell
from thine enriching silence

Perceived everything
from thine enriching silence

Thine enriching silence
is the empty canvas on which
created everything
and realizing
the prominence
of thine enriching silence
wanted naught else
but thine enriching silence

Bless me to flow and merge
into thine eternally enriching silence.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ever Present Stillness!

Ever Present Stillness!

O Stillness!
Thou art ever present!

Felt thy presence tangibly
as the breath was moving slowly and deeply,
as the breath stilled a moment,
and to continue its next movement.

Felt thy presence before and after uttering,
of my next word in a conversation

Felt thy presence before and after
every movement of my body parts

Felt thy presence before, during and after
my mind and body's
ritualistic practices.

Felt thy presence before, during and after
taking a sip,
taking a bite. and
taking a gulp.

Felt thy presence before going to sleep
and after waking up from sleep

Felt thy presence in the now and the then
Felt thy presence within and without.

No more waiting and seeking
to feel thy presence
For, now I know
that thou art ever present.

If thou art Stillness
how come you also exist in movement?
As thou hast created the movement
from thy Stillness
thou art present in the movement too.

O Stillness!
Thou art ever present!

Friday, February 21, 2020



Whilst the
voiced opinioned prose noised everything
intuitively aspired poetry silenced everything

Whilst the
voiced opinions gave restlessness
intuitive aspirations gave stillness

Whilst the
voiced opinions turned without
intuitive aspirations turned within

Whilst the 
voiced opinions trumpeted the meing
intuitive perceptions humbled the being

Whilst the
voiced opinions created thoughts 
and many lives
intuitive perceptions merged the being into nothingness
 and stopped the future.

Perceiving the Infinite!

Perceiving the Infinite!

Standing naked
in the dazzling darkness
stripped off every identity,
perceived the Infinite.

Standing naked
in the dazzling darkness
stripped off every emotion,
felt the Infinite.

Standing naked
in the dazzling darkness
stripped off every wave,
stilled in the Infinite.

Standing naked
in the dazzling darkness
stripped off every noise,
merged into the eternal Silence.

Stripped of everything
Became Nothing and
Merged into 
Eternal Nothingness

Challenge Thy Perception!

Challenge thy Perception!

Challenge Thy Perception!

My perception challenged the one that I have perceived.
It has challenged my senses on what they have perceived.
What I perceived - is it what my senses perceived?
Is it the distorted perception of my mind, 
based on the information provided by the senses?

If so, I have never seen the reality as is -
unprejudiced, unbiased and 
by unconditioned thought process.

With my conditioned mind, 
I have perceived only 
distortions of the reality

To see the Truth
I challenged every perception,
and ignored all perceptions of the relativity.
For the Truth is beyond all perceptions and relativity.

The Perceiver and the Perceived!

The Perceiver and the Perceived!

The perceiver perceived the eternal Perceiver
with the senses distorted,
and the perception distorted.

With the distorted perception,
the perceiver imagined everything
about the eternal Perceiver
that is not Truth
and projected distorted perceptions 
creating confusion, chaos,
disturbance, restlessness,
and all the illusions
with the deluded mind 
and the distorted perceptions.

While one day the eternal Perceiver
has removed all the perceptions
of the perceiver
and lo the perceiver 
has become the Perceived 
by merging with the eternal Perceiver.

Conditioned Thoughts!

Conditioned Thoughts!

Thou hast created thy creation
just as thy Thought

Deluded in thy thought of creation,
we created our thoughts
and conditioned ourselves,  
got entangled, deluded and forgot
that the creation is just thy Thought.

We created havoc
with our conditioned thoughts
and blamed thee for thy creation.

We created confusion
with our conditioned thoughts,
quarreled among ourselves 
and blamed thee for thy creation
whilst it is just thy Thought.

With our conditioned thoughts,
we have created unnecessary desires,
relationships, and all kinds of entanglements,
and spoiled thy creation
with our distorted thoughts and deeds.

We created restlessness
with our conditioned thoughts,
lost health and peace of mind
and blamed thee for thy creation
whilst it is just thy Thought.

We wanted stillness and silence
with our conditioned thoughts
and when we could not get them
we blamed thee for thy creation
while the stillness and silence
were ever present 
for the unconditioned.

Shower thy grace upon us
so that we get unconditioned
and see thy creation -
just as thy Thought, 
and naught else.

Thy seed as the soul!

Thy seed as the soul!

Thou hast bestowed 
thy seed 
as the soul

Instead of seeing thy seed as the soul

My weeds of anger
hampered me to see 
the seed's discriminative capability

My weeds of miserliness
hampered me to 
see the seed's benevolence

My weeds of covetousness
hampered me to see 
the seed's altruism

My weeds of pride
hampered me to see 
the seed's humbleness

My weeds of envy
hampered me to see 
the seed's generosity

My weeds of desire
hampered me to see 
the seed's infinity

My weeds of thoughts,
hampered me to see 
the seed's actual requirement-
the nourishment of nothingness

Instead of seeing the seed as the soul
I have seen everything else but the soul
Forgot, that by seeing this seed as soul
I can see thee, and merge into thee.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Letting go!

Letting go!

Letting go is the key
for salvation.

Letting go of my opinions
made me understand others'

Letting go of my idiosyncrasies
made me understand others'

Letting go of my ideas
made me understand others'

Letting go of my effort,
made me effortless.

Letting go of my noise
gave me silence

Letting go of breath manipulation
gave me stillness

Letting go of me
made me see Thee

Letting go of seeking Thee
merged me into Thee

Creation is an extension of the Creator!

Creation is an extension of the Creator!

As the children are an extension of their parents
So the creation is an extension of the Creator.

As we get entangled in the creation
we lose the Creator.

As we merge into the Creator
we lose the creation.

It's the Creator
that we need and
not the creation.

Intensity of Intent!

Intensity of Intent!

In the intensity of my intent to see thee,
I have blinded my vision to thine eternal presence.

In the intensity of my intent to hear thee,
I have deafened my ears to thine eternal cosmic sound.

I couldn't see and hear thee until thou hast graced
by stripping me naked and deprived me of my intent.

For thou art ever present and this body is just a shadow
in the projection of thine eternal thought.

Thine Endless Grandeur!

Thine Endless Grandeur!

In the beginning-less
of thine endless grandeur
I have lost my birth and death.

In the beginning-less
of thine endless grandeur
I have lost my self.

Was I ever born?
Was I ever reborn?
The birth and death
exist as only thoughts.

The eternal life is existing
as a beginning-less, 
endless grandeur...

Thy Formless Naked Dance!

Thy Formless Naked Dance!

Amidst the Stillness,
seen the form of
Thy Formless Naked Dance!

Amidst the Silence,
heard the sound of
Thy Formless Naked Dance!

Amidst the breathless state,
tasted the nectar from
Thy Holy Grail

Amidst the "i"-less state
merged into
Thy I-ness

Amidst the naked state
disappeared into
Thy Formless Naked Dance.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020



In the act of hoping for a better future living
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee
and stopped living in the present moment.

In the act of hoping for future happiness
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee
and stopped living happily in the present moment.

In the act of hoping for eternal pleasure
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee
and stopped living through the present pain and pleasure.

In the act of hoping for better future,
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee 
and stopped living in this present moment.

In the act of hoping for stillness
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee 
and lost the stillness that is present 
in the beginning, middle and at the end 
of each and every breath
(between every inhalation and exhalation,
and every exhalation and inhalation).

In the act of hoping for moksha/liberation
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee 
in the present meditative moments.

In the act of hoping for awakening
I have lost the chance of accepting Thee
to be awake and aware of 
thy presence in the present moment.

My hope has hampered my acceptance of Thee
My hope has hampered my surrender to Thee
Bless me to accept thee
in every moment.
Cauterize all my desires
and destroy my future
so that there is no rebirth.

From The Center Within!

From The Center Within!

O Eternal One!
Thou art ever present
At the Center within.

Heard thy silent whispers
From the Center within.

Heard thy silent warnings
From the Center within.

Heard thy advice
From the Center within.

Listened to your silent Voice
From the Center within
And entered thine abysmal depth of Silence and Stillness
To hear thine eternal "Song of Eternity."

My Divine Mother!

My Divine Mother!

O My Divine Mother!
Thou hast graced
upon this child of thine
Thine eternal Love.

Thou hast caressed
this soul eternally
whilst groping in the dark
abysmal depths of ignorance
and not to get lost.

Thou hast shown 
thine eternal path of 
thine eternal Love
to this soul to walk joyfully
and not to get lost in thy māya.

Thou hast taken thine every moment
touching this soul's every moment
with thine ever loving soft hands,
hugged, and caressed onto thine eternal bosom.

Tears roll down
through the eyes of this body
to wash thy Lotus Feet.

I Hug Thee O Maa!
to melt into thy Loving Heart
of thine eternal Love
for eternity!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thy True Perception

Thy True Perception

O Eternal One!

When I see the paradoxes
In Thy nature...

Distorted is my visual perception,
because of my desires to see 
happenings that are pleasing to my eyes
And unable to see,
thine Eternal Presence
in thine illusory creation.

Distorted is my auditory perception,
because of my desires to hear,
all those voices and noises that muffled 
thy Cosmic Sound.
And unable to hear,
thy Holy Cosmic Sound
in thine illusory creation.

Distorted is my olfactory perception,
because of my desires for perfumes.
And unable to smell,
the soft eternal fragrance of thy Holy Presence
in thine illusory creation.

Distorted is my gustatory perception,
because of my eating desires.
And unable to taste,
thy Holy Name
in thine illusory creation.

Distorted is my tactile perception,
because of my desires from many lives.
And unable to feel
thy soft invisible, imperceptible, infinite touch
beyond thine illusory creation

Distorted are my perceptions

Because of egos, opinions, biases,
idiosyncrasies, judgments, etc

Deception is there
in every perception of mine,
for Thou hast created 
thine illusory creation.

Bless me to transcend
from all of my distorted perceptions,
cauterize my desires
so that I travel beyond and
understand Thy True Perception...

...Thy True Perception
of Thy Creation 
as only a thought
and naught else.

Transcend me from all distortions
Transform me from all those myriad forms
that thou hast created
in thine illusory creation
into thine eternal Nothingness

Monday, February 17, 2020

Thy Amazing Nothingness!

Thy Amazing Nothingness!

Amidst every breath,
Amidst every feeling,
Amidst every emotion,
Amidst every perception,
Amidst every proton, electron, 
neutron, mesons, and 
other sub-atomic particles,
Amidst every particle
Present, is Thy Amazing Nothingness.

Amidst all the conversations,
Amidst all the whispers,
Amidst all the paradoxes,
Amidst all aspects of Nature
Amidst every cosmic vibration
Present, is Thy Amazing Nothingness.

Thou hast graced upon us,
And expressed Yourself 
Through that Nothingness
And have projected myriad vibrations 
To take myriad forms.
And in all these and those, here and there
Present, is Thy Amazing Nothingness.

Thou hast created 
Thy illusory creation
From Thy Nothingness.
Instead of Doing Nothing
We created myriad vibrations
To take incessant forms
And blamed Thy creation.
O Eternal One,
Bless us to become Nothing
And merge in Thy Amazing Nothingness.

Bless Thy Clear Vision!

Bless Thy Clear Vision!

O Eternal One
Bless Thy Clear Vision!
For I want to See Thee.
As my vision is distorted
As my hearing is distorted
As my every perception is distorted,
uncertain, biased, prejudiced, and judgmental.

I want to See Thee
In every particle, 
and in every space of 
Thy creation
O Eternal One
Bless Thy Clear Vision.

I Saw Thee!

I Saw Thee!

When my reflections stopped
I saw Thy Reflection

When my noises and whispers stopped
I heard Thy Voice

When my tremors and waves stopped
I saw Thee breathing

When my breath stopped
I saw Thee living

Exists Naught!

Exists Naught!

Seeing thee, eye not
Hearing thee, ear not
Perceiving thee, perceiver not
Only Thine Eternal Existence
Is aware of Thine Existence.
Exists Naught!

నిన్ను చూచినది కన్ను కాదు
నిన్ను విన్నది చెవి కాదు
నిన్ను అనుభూతి చెందినది అనుభూతుడు కాదు
నీ అనంత ఉనికి మాత్రమే
నీ గురుంచి ఎరిగినది.
ఉన్నది మరేది లేదు .

Thy Great Silence! - 2

Thy Great Silence! - Part 2

O Eternal One!
In the nooks and corners,
In the vast landscapes,
In the bricks and brooks,
In the animate and inanimate,
Through Thy Eternal Grace
Heard Thy Great Silence.

O Eternal One!
Amidst the trouble and rubble,
Amidst the bubble sputter,
Amidst the voices and noises,
Amidst every half-a-breath,
Through Thy Eternal Grace
Heard Thy Great Silence.

O Eternal One!
Amidst the functioning of sinews and tissues,
Amidst the movements of spleen and pancreas,
Amidst the contraction and de-contraction of heart,
Amidst the expansion and contraction of lungs,
In the nooks and corners of this body and elsewhere,
Through Thy Eternal Grace
Heard Thy Great Silence.

O Eternal One!
When this volunteered involuntarily,
When act of surrendering was halted,
When every undoing happened,
When every effort has turned effortless,
Amidst every thought and
Amidst every mental modification,
Through Thy Eternal Grace
Heard Thy Great Silence.

O Eternal One!
Thy Great Silence is ever present,
in every moment,
in every space,
in every thing,
and everywhere -
Unheard by any.
Until Thy Grace,
Bestowed upon
And heard by every particle
of Thy illusory creation.
To merge back into
Thine Eternal Silence.
Thy Great Silence!

Thy Great Silence! - 1

Thy Great Silence!

I searched for Thee,
in the nooks and corners,
in the bricks and brooks,
in the damsels and petals,
in the voices and noises,
Yet could not find Thee.

I searched for Thee,
in the trouble and rubble,
in the bubble and dabble,
in the whispers of breath,
Yet could not find Thee.

Searching outside,
failing miserably,
I turned within.
And after entering
Thy Great Silence,
Found thee waiting 
eternally for me,
to bless me
with thy grace

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Thine Eternal Seeing

Thine Eternal Seeing!

O Eternal One!
Thou hast given,
The sight to look
Within us, and
To look into
Thy creation.

We have created,
Every possible distortion,
Not to see the Truth,
And see,
Only thine Eternal illusion
And created havoc
For ourselves and
In Thy creation.

Bless us to remove,
Our lenses,
Our distorted images,
Our distorted thoughts,
Our prejudices, biases, judgments,
And the false images,
All illusions.

Make us to see,
Through thine
Eternal Eye
That sees,
The Eternal
Unto Eternity

Thine Eternal Design!

Thine Eternal Design!

O Eternal One!
Thou hast graced,
Upon this part of,
Thy creation.
To see
Thine Eternal Design.

In the fresh daisies,
In the gentle lilies,
In the dew drop of
The leaf, and the petal,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

In the water droplet,
In ponds and lakes,
In streams and rivers,
In the vast seas and oceans,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

In the seed and seedling,
In the Flower,
Blossomed and withered,
In the green lush leaves,
In the dried leaves rustle,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

In the lives' transformation,
From one form to another
Though cell single, or
The farthest stars and stellar bodies,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

In the Life and Death,
And in all paradoxes
Of Thy Creation
Is Thine Eternal Design

Thou continue playest,
Thy Cosmic Joke
Myriad forms
transforming one to another,
Weaving patterns infinite
To make thy play enchanting
Is Thine Eternal Design.

Knowing naught,
Of Thy Creation
Thy created myriad forms
Suffers the illusory separation
With Thee.
This also,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

The Creation, 
sustenance of the created, and
Merging back the creation.
All processes and everything,
Is Thine Eternal Design.

O Infinite!
Whilst the seeker seekest,
Thine Eternal Design,
The Sought,
Seekest Thou!