Tuesday, February 22, 2011

There is only One

September 25, 2010 0350am, Rourkela GOCL Guest house.
It just happened and appeared distinctly the phenomenon rather the noumenon of observer, object being observed and the process of observing. While the mind was in its own process of thinking, suddenly it happened that “i” as something different from my mind (with its process of thinking), and this physical body. It looked like all these three are distinctly different. Thus it is clearly evident that indeed these are different and the so called “i” is identifying with these, which is termed as illusion.

While it is happening the intuition says that even this is an illusion, and, this process of happening is a part of neti doctrine and this is the stage as mentioned in the Mundaka Upanishad as “ekameva adviteeyam brahma”

After the enlightenment it just appears that everything what is happening is happening for a reason. Behind every happening there is a well planned and well determined process of happening. It is like behind every happening there is a thought process that has already happened and the effect of the thought process is happening in the now. Hence, it is becoming more and more evident that the whole happenings in the cosmos are only the effect of thoughts that came out from someone.

If everything is pre-determined and well determined, then what is free will? Is there something like that?

All these doubts are there only in the duality. In oneness there is no doubt, because there is no other one. There is only one "sarvam khalvidam brahma." The observer, the object being observed and the process of observing is all one. The questioner, question and the answer is one.

Travel the path that no other one has travelled

September 7, 2010 9:00am in the office while waiting for the laptop to boot.

Travel the path that no other one has travelled, then you will reach your True Destiny.
Because each individual is unique in its own way. Whatever it may be, it is unique. Every spirit which has manifested from the unmanifested, whether it is tangible or intangible, living or non-living is unique. Hence its karmic pattern is different from any other one. That is the reason each spirit identifying itself with some other identity has to travel its/his/her own path that no other (deluded one) has travelled. However, they can get inspired and get directions from the one(s) that have travelled on their own paths and found their True Destiny.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Noble Friend

Who is a noble friend?

A noble friend is the one who will ask you to leave everything, to the extent of leaving your identity also. Hence, before deciding to have a noble friend, develop enough courage and then approach.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Success & Failure

The failure story always results in awakening. And every story has to fail eventually. Hence, awakening is unavoidable.

There is nothing like success and failure. They exist only in duality. But one good thing about failures is they always result in some sort of awakening. Hence, a failure in a story is in one way success, as it is resulting in some sort of awakening. If the success and failure are not resulting in awakening, then both are failures. Because, awakening is the prime goal of life. Death of physical body is only a transformation from one form to another. Death is one way of ending all successes into failures and all failures into nothing. Death is the end of all physical stories of that life. Every story ends eventually at death, whether it is a successful story or a failure. Hence, every story will be a failure. The story of awakening is the only success.