Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Learning from Mistakes

Learning from Mistakes

We all can learn from our own mistakes or from other's mistakes also. Choice is ours. The first one is the hard way where we go through suffering. The second one is the wise one, where we do not allow the suffering to get created also. Think wisely before you act.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Psychology / Mind / Yoga

 Psychology / Mind / Yoga

  • If psychology has to be defined in four words, then that would be "yad bhaavam, tad bhavati" - so you think, so you become.
  • Human life is a manifestation of his/her own thoughts.
  • Thoughts are mental modifications. That is why Maharshi Patanjali said "yogaschittavritti nirodhah." The state where mental modifications cease to exist is called as the state of Yoga.