Wednesday, February 12, 2020



Biologically Metamorphosis is explained as, where a caterpillar gets transformed into a butterfly after undergoing the pupa stage.

We as human beings for our evolution need to undergo a similar process of metamorphosis where our mindset has to undergo transformation. However, most of us anticipate to undergo the metamorphosis without undergoing the pupa stage or understanding the pupa stage. This is the stage where we need to look within, introspect and let go all that past and those identities that are preventing us from transforming into a butterfly or an evolved human being.

As most of us do not give enough time or understand appropriately the actual pupa stage, we get deluded of the transformation, and end up not letting go our past habits and tendencies completely. Even though we talk about transformation, we rarely change behaviorally. This is like we anticipate to become a butterfly, but in reality we are stuck in the caterpillar stage with wings on it which are of no use either to us or others. These wings make the noise of words, which even though talk about the beauty of the butterfly, but behaviorally exhibit that of the caterpillar behavior.

Hence change has to happen in our overall mindset rather than just an illusory transformation.

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