Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mind - The Unseen Awe!

Mind - The Unseen Awe!

O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

The thoughts that originate from you
are the causes for everything,
and the effect of those causes,
creates and changes everything.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

Whilst the thought is unseen as you are unseen,
the effect of thought creates a chemical 
and brings a change that 
either runs the body or destroys it.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

We the ignorant could not
understand the whole reason
of your existence.
As you are unseen O Mind.
The unseen indicating a 
physical non-existence
inferring everything is happening
from Nothing.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

You are the bridge showing the way
for transcending 
from this physical, relativistic world
into the Nothingness 
from which everything has been created.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

You are the bridge between the seen and the Unseen.
You are the bridge between the felt and the Un-felt.
You are the bridge between the perceivable and the Un-perceivable.
You are the bridge between the creation and the Creator.
You are the bridge between the relative and the Absolute.
You are the bridge between the tangible and the Intangible.
You are the bridge between the something-ness and the Nothingness.
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

Bridges are never controlled,
they are to be used as a tool to move on to the other side.
You inferred every time that everything is nothing.
You are that - not to be controlled but to be transcended,
to merge back into Nothingness
O Mind!
You are the unseen awe!

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