Saturday, October 16, 2021



In which mode am I now?

The Journey

The Journey

From Form to Formless - aakaara to niraakaara

From Sound to Silence

From Samskaras to Nishkriya, Nishkarma

From Shabda to Nishabda

From Nishabda to Shunya

Friday, October 8, 2021



What is Nothingness?

It is an ever existence of non-existent.

In the morning hours of October 9, 2021, while I was trying to set a vine of the passion flower in my terrace garden, I saw a bee flying and trying to stay still on a wall like surface to build probably something. Suddenly, a thought came - where is it flying?

And the answer is: It is flying in the air. 

But it is still - only its wings are fluttering speedily.

Then the next question came up. 

It is flying in the air and does it stay there permanently? 


It is flying, it is still and at the same time it cannot exist there permanently. 

But is it really flying? What is that which is showing me that it is flying and staying still even though the wings are fluttering? 

It is actually flying in the empty space, where the air is also flying (moving) along with everything.

Is it not that everything is flying in empty space? 

This question has thrown me off guard and pushed me effortlessly into that empty space. 

Yes, everything is flying in this universe. The planets, asteroids, suns, stars, all astronomical bodies, billions of galaxies - everything is just flying and they all are flying in an empty space. 

Then it clearly means - all that is flying is actually supported by this empty space. And, anything that is flying can fly, and exist only for a little while - could be flash of a second or a trillion years. Still, the existence of everything that we see, perceive or the one which don't see or cannot perceive - everything exists only temporarily. It is like in the movie house of Cosmos, a universal movie is being projected, with all the characters of suns, stars, asteroids, comets, planets, stellar bodies, bacteria, animals, human beings, etc., etc., in myriad forms and without forms on the empty screen of eternal Nothingness.

All of these exist temporarily in an "ever existing of the non-existent" and that non-existent is "The Eternal Nothingness."

Every seeker, every aspirant, everything in the Cosmos is making an attempt to let go its existence of identity and get merged into that ever existing non-existent - The Eternal Nothingness.

Let that Grace, grace its eternal presence on everyone and everything to realize and merge into the ever existing non-existent - The Eternal Nothingness.

Significance of Jai Guru!

Significance of Jai Guru!

What does the words "Jai Guru" mean? 

What is the significance of these two words?

Whenever we utter "Jai Guru" - it means victory to Guru. 

When does Guru attain Victory? 

The individual who has attained self-realization has already attained victory in terms of the purpose of life. That individual has fulfilled the purpose of birth. What else will give that individual more victory? 

An individual after attaining self-realization and who is being always in the state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness" would or may like to help other individuals to attain the same state as that of that individual's state. Then such an individual who is always in the state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness" is called as Sadhguru, descends into a realm of those individuals who are not in the state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness" and helps them to realize that state. 

Those individuals who are not in a state of Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness - can be called as shishyas or aspirants, and when they attain the state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness," then it becomes a victory to the Guru. Thus "JAI GURU" means that an individual who is a shishya (शिष्य) has made or making an attempt to enter or realize the state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness."

Is "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness" a state means - no. It is a state beyond all the states. It is an ever existent non existential, non-state. It is such a non-existential state that it is beyond all existences and identifications. It is a state of beyond the states of Guru (गुरु) and shishya (शिष्य). The identifications generally an individual goes through are:

  1. Wakeful state (Jagrat जाग्रत)
  2. Dream state (Svapna स्वप्न)
  3. Deep sleep - Sushupti (सुषुप्ति)
  4. Turiya - Beyond sleep (तुरीय)
  5. Samadhi - Conscious Turiya state (समाधि)
The state of "Oneness with the Eternal Nothingness" is beyond all the above states and is beyond any other definable state.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

What is required on the path?

What is required on the path?

What is required on the path?

Is it the dry intellectualism? or
Is it the debatable skills,
 to win over others perspectives? or
Is it the dogmatic arguing conversation,
that offends and win over others? or
Is it the iconoclastic attitude,
that challenges all belief systems?

What is it, that is required on the path?

Every thought of ours makes us a prisoner.
Every thought enhances arrogance that resists Truth.

Do we believe in power of men's lies? Or
Do we believe in the Truth overpowering men's lies?

Every communication based on rationality,
Every rationality based on mockery and rebuke of Truth.
Every humane aspect corrupted by greed and desire.
Every action based on impulse and compulsion,
Demonstrating the beastly nature of man.

Man's mind fallen, rotten, rutted with ignorance,
Needs drastic reform, renew, change,
with compassionate parlance.
To think from the creation to the revelation,
To ignite the fire within, to set ablaze the light within,
To see the realms beyond the physical and subtle,
To enter the realm of Spirit,
A warm devotion set on fire by the Truth.
A humble surrender, to let go everything,
every thought, and every identity,
To melt and merge into the eternal Nothingness.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Am I Spiritual?

 Am I spiritual?

One day I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues and she said about herself that she is spiritual during the conversation. Our conversation went for almost an hour and I was asking her various questions about her life and the way she lives. After one hour of conversation, I could understand that she spends most of her time in other aspects of life rather than being spiritual.

Me being in my egoistic mentality wanted to challenge her on how she is spiritual while she spent 99% of the time in non-spiritual activities and identities. Before uttering any word, I wanted to self-reflect and stop being judgmental. Who am I to judge someone? Isn’t that the Jesus’s timeless maxim says: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged.” I kept my mouth shut.

The question “am I spiritual?” was lingering around and was prodding within my psyche. I started self-reflecting. The way we use the words – how much do we really meant by them? I wanted to evaluate and analyze on how much time I spend on each activity, and how I really pass my 24 hours of a day.

I pulled up an excel sheet and started indicating the time that I have spent on each activity and took about a graphical display. To my surprise, I found that I am more of a materialistic person rather than a spiritual person.

Finally, I realized that, I hardly spent 1% of my daily time in being truly spiritual. It is high time that:

  1. A course correction is required in my personal life. 
  2. I take a U-turn to look within and turn my self-reflection to the Reflection of the Self.