Friday, September 25, 2020

Choice of Our Actions

Choice of our Actions


Life always gives us choices to choose from every situation. What we choose could be based upon many factors. The factors could be our belief systems, our strong emotions based upon our belief systems or emotions based upon the situation that we are going through in that moment.

It is not easy to be non-impulsive when emotions are very high and violent. The two choices that one can have in regular situations could be reactive or strategic. To be reactive not much effort is required. We can just go with the emotion that is strongly prevailing in that situation. However, to be non-reactive, non-impulsive and strategic we need to be really focussed on the final outcome of the situation instead of getting hijacked or succumbing to the emotion of the situation.


A reactive response is generally based upon impulses and could be judgmental, biased, prejudiced, more of a fixed-mindset and often leads in dis-harmony, non-productivity and regret.

A strategic response is non-impulsive, non-judgmental, unbiased, unprejudiced, more of growth-mindset and leads to harmony, productivity and contentment.


Mindfulness/Meditative practices will enable us to reflect on the reactions of our bodies and the emotions that we undergo in every situation. These practices will also help us to choose consciously the appropriate response.


Hence, next time let us consciously choose to be strategic and live a life of harmony and contentment.

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