Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Paradox of coexistence of Light and Darkness

The Paradox of coexistence of Light and Darkness

What does exist - is it light or darkness? Which one of them exist?

For the above questions, there is only one answer. And, the answer is - what we are able to see, we believe only that exists. The one that we don't see, we believe it does not exist. Just because we do not see something, that does not mean it does not exist. It exists, but we are unable to see or perceive. If we can understand this paradox of seeing and non-seeing then, we can dive deep into our true Self and question - what is that, that is existing which is not being seen or perceived?

The analogy that is being used here is that of light and darkness. When light is reflected on an object, the darkness disappears and we would be able to see that object. And, when that light is removed, the darkness reappears. The light and darkness have not gone anywhere. They are there itself. When we are seeing one, we are unable to see the other. When we are seeing darkness, we are unable to see the light and when we are seeing the light, we are unable to see the darkness that is very much present there itself. Hence, considering this analogy in this whole Cosmos we can come to an understanding that light and darkness coexist. Considering the darkness as the unmanifest or avyakta अव्यक्त and the light as manifest or vyakta व्यक्त - they coexist. There is no separation between them. This is the Truth that Upanishads emphasize in a statement called "sarvam khalvidam Brahma" सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म - "everything is indeed Brahman or Absolute."

Hence, there is no self or Self. The self is the Self. We just have to become aware of it.

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