Thursday, March 5, 2020

The blessing of knowing naught!

The blessing of knowing naught!

Knowing naught,
made me to enter the realm of knowing,
and found intimacy with everything.

Knowing naught about a leaf 
made me to enter the realm of plant kingdom
and awed by the complexity and the beauty of it.

Knowing naught about a flower 
made me to develop an intimacy with the pollen,
and awed by their spread and creation of myriad fruits.

Knowing naught about a plant
made me to observe intently the twigs and the branches
and awed by their suppleness, strength and humbleness in their shade.

Knowing naught about a caterpillar
made me to observe and go within to enter the pupa stage
and awed by the wings of freedom, the wonderful colors of wings,
and the amazement of transformation.

Knowing naught about sun and rain through clouds
made me to develop my wonderful feathers of a peacock
and awed by the splendor of spreading the unconditional feathers of love.

Knowing naught about music,
made me listen to the sounds of nature
and awed by chirping sounds of birds and crickets,
the gentle roar of a lion and an ocean,
and awed further to hear the same within
in the cosmic sound of Om.

Knowing naught about a human
made me to observe intently the behavioral attitudes
and awed by the confusion and ignorance in understanding what is truly required.

Knowing naught about behavior
made me to learn tenacity and humbleness from plants and trees.
And finally instead of finding answers outside,
I turned within.
And awed by the amazing presence of the Eternal Nothingness.

Knowing naught,
made me to enter the realm of Nothingness,
and found intimacy with everything,
for the Nothingness is the basis of everything.

Blessed are those who know naught,
for they can enter the realm of Nothingness,
become aware of the presence of Eternal Awareness,
and awed by that Silence.

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