Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to meditate?

Q) How to meditate?

Ans.) Meditation is not a technique where one can learn. It is not something which can be done, performed, or manipulated to get something.

If we have to grow a plant, we don't grow it just like that. We till the soil, prepare it properly, sow the respective seed and provide appropriate nourishment and wait patiently for the seed to sprout and grow into a plant. The growth of the plant happens all by itself. We only prepare the appropriate environment for it to grow.

Another example is: if we have to go to any particular place by train we will not manufacture the train, we make ourselves available on the right platform where that train arrives. Our availability at the right time and appropriate place is the required criteria.

Similarly for meditation to happen, what we need to do is to take some time out from our busy schedule, we should stop making noise and sit in silence. When one sits in silence and all the thoughts are subsided or when there is no attachment towards the thoughts then meditation happens and that is what is true meditation is. Hence, meditation is not a technique, it is not something which can be made to happen. It is not something that can be created or manipulated. It reveals itself when we let go our self and sit in silence and wait patiently for it to happen all by itself. It is our attachment to our self and our attachment towards our thoughts that prevents meditation from happening. The moment we realize this aspect, then one can meditate wherever and whenever.

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