Sunday, August 16, 2015

Difference between Truth and fact

Q) What is the difference between Truth and fact?

A) Truth is ever existing. It will not undergo any change. Whereas fact will undergo frequent change. The fact that is present in this moment will undergo a change in the next moment. The time changes in constant motion with the fact also.

Facts are all those happenings in this relativistic world. All that we see or hear or perceive through our senses in the relativistic time are all facts. All facts have life for that moment only. The water that flows in a river for that moment only. The same water that flowed in a particular moment of time does not flow in the next moment. The human body that exists in a particular moment does not exist in the same way the next moment, it will undergo many changes when we look at it microscopically.

All facts happen in the relativistic time and there is no denial of them, because they have happened and there is a witness for all those happenings, and each fact happened at a definite time for a definite period of time however minute that time may be. The facts will tell us that a particular happening has happened. Apart from that they will not tell us anything. When we look at a fact after its happening and ask ourselves, why this fact/incident has happened, we will not have an answer. But only when we look at it metaphysically then we understand that there should be a cause in the past for every effect which is the fact that is happening in the present. Hence, every fact that is happening in the now has a cause from its past.

It is a fact that we have a human body. But, for obtaining this human body what was the cause? When we question in this manner, then we can get into the root cause, and a deeper and perfect root cause analysis by self-inquiry will reveal that it is our thought process and our attachment towards our thoughts in the past has created and made us to obtain this present body.

Since the present body is already an effect of the cause of past thought patterns or conditional thinking, we cannot change it much. We have to bear more or less with it. However, how this present body has to be in future (with the existing body) and further more into future (after leaving the present body) is where we have a choice, and that is where we have to make at least a better choice. We need to choose whether we further need to have attachment towards our thought processes or not. If we have attachment towards our thought process, then we will create another situation or another fact that will eventually happen in the relativistic time. If we do not get attached to any of our thought processes, then nothing will eventually happen in the relativistic time. So, it is like a picture being projected on a screen continuously. Show after show is being projected on the Screen in relation to our attachment towards our thought processes or conditional thinking.

Now let us pause here for a moment and observe carefully.

Where is this picture being projected on? Where is this show happening?

The show is happening in the relativistic time and all the happenings of the show, we are calling them as facts. The projection of the show is being projected on a Screen which is never changing. So, the Screen that is not undergoing any change is the Truth. As picture cannot be seen without the screen, so this cosmic motion picture cannot be seen without the help of Truth. All this cosmic motion picture is happening on the Truth as substratum. Instead of focusing on the cosmic motion picture, if we de-focus ourselves from this and focus on the Screen that is the Truth, then Truth will automatically reveal itself.

At the beginning and end of every show we all see the screen. But as long as the movie is being projected on the screen, we forget the screen. Similarly before or at the beginning and end of every life we live with the Truth and know the Truth. Only when we get entangled with the so called life that is this motion picture played by this body, we forget the Truth.

To understand the Truth and realize it, we need to take out some time and de-focus from the so called facts and focus on the Screen or Truth. The moment we do it we would be getting away from the conditional thinking. And the more and more we focus on the unchanging, ever existing Truth, more and more we can get away from our conditional thinking. The more and more we get away from our conditional thinking, the less and less our attachment will be towards our thought processes. In this manner somewhere we will get bored of the shows that are being projected and instead of getting involved in show after show (life after life) we can get rid of our attachment towards our thought processes completely and get away from the series of shows that are being projected and anchor ourselves in the Truth.

Facts happen because of our attachment towards the thoughts on the substratum of Truth similar to that of the picture being projected on the screen. The Screen is the Truth which is ever existing and does not undergo any change. The picture is the fact that undergoes various changes. We have to chose whether we want to live with the Screen/Truth or we want to live with the motion picture that is being projected on the Screen. The motion picture cannot exist without the screen, similarly the fact cannot exist without the Truth. Screen can exist without the picture, in the same way Truth will exist without the facts. As screen is the substratum for every picture, similarly Truth is the substratum for every manifestation.

To know the Truth we simply have to de-focus from the picture and witness the Screen. Remember the Screen/Truth is unchanging and ever existing.

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