Monday, November 8, 2021

Falling into Silence!

Falling into Silence! 

On a Sunday afternoon,
As the gentle and strong sun's rays,
piercing through the passion flower vine,
Along with the buzz of bumble bee,
It entered gently and fiercely,
Emptied everything -
Silence, thou art conquered!

From the motion of thoughts,
From the movements of body,
From the movements of
plants and vines around,
It has thrown asunder everything -
Silence, thou art conquered!

What existed, no longer existed,
What did not seem to exist,
Everlastingly existed,
Unheard, unwarned,
It has catapulted everything -
Silence, thou art conquered!

From the realms of identities,
From the realms of meingness,
into the realms of beingness,
into the realms of Nothingness,
Unquestioned, unanswered,
Not caring for the world,
Caring only to Eternity,
It entered softly, gently,
Unrecognized by any - 
Silence, thou art conquered!

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