Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Am I Spiritual?

 Am I spiritual?

One day I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues and she said about herself that she is spiritual during the conversation. Our conversation went for almost an hour and I was asking her various questions about her life and the way she lives. After one hour of conversation, I could understand that she spends most of her time in other aspects of life rather than being spiritual.

Me being in my egoistic mentality wanted to challenge her on how she is spiritual while she spent 99% of the time in non-spiritual activities and identities. Before uttering any word, I wanted to self-reflect and stop being judgmental. Who am I to judge someone? Isn’t that the Jesus’s timeless maxim says: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged.” I kept my mouth shut.

The question “am I spiritual?” was lingering around and was prodding within my psyche. I started self-reflecting. The way we use the words – how much do we really meant by them? I wanted to evaluate and analyze on how much time I spend on each activity, and how I really pass my 24 hours of a day.

I pulled up an excel sheet and started indicating the time that I have spent on each activity and took about a graphical display. To my surprise, I found that I am more of a materialistic person rather than a spiritual person.

Finally, I realized that, I hardly spent 1% of my daily time in being truly spiritual. It is high time that:

  1. A course correction is required in my personal life. 
  2. I take a U-turn to look within and turn my self-reflection to the Reflection of the Self.

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