Friday, January 17, 2020

Practice or Sādhana साधन

Practice Sādhana साधन

What is Practice for a human being?

The practice of a human being has been so much corrupted in this modern world, that most of the times it is just placed on the surface of the materialistic world and if it goes deeper in some cases, it might go a little bit into the psychological realm and very rarely beyond that.

We also very intelligently try to bifurcate our life into different paths - materialistic or worldly path and spiritual path.

Now, if we genuinely and honestly ask a question - is there really something other than the spirit in this projected or manifested Cosmos and the un-projected or unmanifested cosmos? Then, the answer would be a bit startling which shows us that everything is spirit and the very famous Upanishad sentence says "सर्वं खल्विदम् ब्रह्म sarvaṃ khalvidam brahma" - everything is indeed Brahman! Hence, there is only one path and that is spiritual path. Just because we do not recognize the spirit in everything, it does not mean that it is not spiritual path. It is like - there is water in a jar and since you don't know what to call it as and you end up calling something else except water.

Most of the time (may be a 1000 life-times) for 99.9999% of human beings the practice is in the realm of mind and winning over, channelizing or regularizing it only. The rest 0.00001% will rarely go beyond the mind and when they go beyond the mind, then what? This is where the actual sādhana starts.

So, how long an individual can stay in the realms that are beyond the mind. Beyond the mind is beyond the thoughts. There is nothing, no identity. There is only a witness without any judgement or bias as there is no thought. It might appear like a zombie for the external world. This is where the most challenging aspect comes for the seer or practitioner or sādhak.
  • When there is nothing except being a witness and the witnessing part, what is going to happen? 
  • How long one is going to stay as a witness? For 1000 years or 10,000 years or a billion years?
  • What is there in the witnessing and what is there in the witness?
  • What is the significance of time or is there any significance of time in this state?
  • If in this state a thought comes and if the witness gets entangled in the thought ,does the witness take birth again?
  • And, if the witness does not get entangled in the thought, but continue to be a witness for how long this act will continue?
  • What is there beyond the witness state?
  • What is there beyond the nothingness state?
  • Is the creation happening from this witness state or from this nothingness state just because there is an entanglement towards a thought?
  • If so from where the thought is getting originated? Is it also being originated from the nothingness?
If so, then there is only nothingness, nothingness is coming out from nothingness and nothingness is merging into nothingness. What we see, perceive, and feel is a variation of that nothingness in the form of a wave and sometimes we are on the crest and sometimes we dive into the trough.
  • So, who are we?
  • Do we really exist?
  • Does anything really exist?
  • Or everything is just only a thought?
Thought coming from nothingness and merging back into nothingness!
It is that awareness, which is letting you to become aware of that awareness!

The Question,
The Answerer
Is All

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