Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spiritual Questions - Part 15 ( What do the words "I, me and mine" mean?)

I, me and mine.
  • Who am I?
  • What is this me?
  • What is mine?
If we can find answers for the above, then all seeking comes to an end. But how to find the answers?

The only way that we can find answers is to shed all the extra baggage and come out of the thinking process.

In trying to seek for Self-realization we are trying to add more things (we may call them as spiritual things). But in reality we are supposed to subtract and withdraw everything instead of adding. This realization of removal of all the additional things one has to get as early as possible or else the seeker in us is bound to go round and round the wheel of samsara.

There is a scene in the movie “Matrix – Revolutions (3rd part of the Trilogy)” where the hero Keanu Reeves will be in an underground metro railway station and wants to see where the track goes. So he walks in between the rails and ends up coming onto the same platform where he started.

This whole world of samsara exists as such in triviality. We can never come out of it as long as we are in the thinking process and bound by the mind. To come out of the wheel of Samsara we have to just get out of the wheel. By standing on the wheel it is never possible. So by thinking and being in the mind it is never possible. The moment we give up the thought process then lo we are already out of the wheel.

There is a simile given in Vedanta teachings. Let us say a sculptor has to sculpt a statue from a rock. What he has to do is only remove the unwanted rock pieces from the big rock. The sculptor always sees the statue lying always within the rock. What he does is only remove those extra pieces that are blocking the view of the already inherent statue.

Another simile is “the clouds obstructing the sun’s view or light”. The sun is always ever present. It is only that the clouds have to be moved to have clear view.

So, we all are already that. We have to simply remove our conditional thinking, our pre-conceived notions about us and the world around including everyone and everything that is present in it whether animate or inanimate.

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