Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is having the knowledge of that, that there is no knowledge.

Knowledge is something that says to acquire; Wisdom whispers, there is nothing to acquire.
Knowledge is the one that shows duality (dvaita); Wisdom is the one that exhibits non-duality (advaita).
Knowledge is the one which shows many differences; Wisdom is the one that shows there is no difference.
Knowledge is the one that creates waves; Wisdom is the one that merges all the waves into the ocean.
Knowledge is the one that says there are so many things to learn; Wisdom is the one that says everything need to be unlearned.
Knowledge is the one that tells you to react in a situation; while Wisdom is the one that tells you to only act in a situation and not to react at all.
Knowledge is understanding; while Wisdom is realizing it.
Knowledge tries to live in the past or future; while Wisdom lives only in the Present Moment.
Knowledge is like saying an apple is an apple by seeing it; while Wisdom is eating the apple and becoming one with it.
Knowledge is knowing the path; while Wisdom is walking the path.
Knowledge is knowing that there is a path to walk; while Wisdom is knowing that there is no path and everything is a path.
Knowledge is labelling everything; while Wisdom is being with everything and in the awareness of only One-thing or everything.
Knowledge is illusion; while Wisdom is Dis-illusion.
Knowledge is crystallization; while Wisdom is dissolution.
Knowledge tries to identify and seek the Truth expressed in many ways; Wisdom merges into the Truth and is one with it.
Knowledge is the identification of the ego that I am not the Truth and I have to seek the Truth; while Wisdom is Truth itself.
Knowledge and Wisdom are not two opposite words. Knowledge is one of the expressions of Wisdom.

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