Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is Brahman?

Brahman = The one which is emanated (not created)

To understand this word, one has to look into the deeper meaning of this.

It is just like an idea that you are thinking not present really but still present. Let us say you are thinking about a beautiful landscape in your mind with green pastures, a creek, river, birds flying around, animals moving here and there, people playing around etc. Now this whole scene is there only as an idea in your mind. It is not there existing outside in gross form. And, if you tell someone - see the beauty of my landscape which is there only as an idea in your mind. People will laugh at you and tell you that you are crazy. They will also say that it is an illusion and it does not exist in reality.

Let us say you have build this idea of beautiful landscape into gross form. Then people will say - oh! here it exists. But you know that it is still only an idea. Because what is existing outside has emanated from within you and in reality does not exist. It is like a spider emanating from it the thread to weave the web. The gross landscape is only a manifested form of the idea that has been emanated from you (your mind). For you - truly speaking both do not exist, it is only an illusion. You as such only exist. The idea and the manifested landscape will undergo change and do not exist.

In the same way this Brahman or the external manifested world is only an idea of the unmanifested One. It is just an illusion. Only the Unmanifested One exists. The rest is all illusion.

Hence, only Brahman exists. The thought, the idea, the manifested world: all are only illusions.

sarvam khalvidam brahma.

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