Wednesday, October 28, 2020



The title of this post itself is very intriguing, excavating and exploring.

If we look at human being's life there are various aspects that through which we gather many experiences.

In the wakefulness state we gather experiences through 14 elements:

  • 5 organs of senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin)
  • 5 organs of action (mouth, arms, feet, excretory and reproductive organs)
  • 4 internal elements (mind, intellect, ego and chitta)
In the dream state also we gather experiences through these same 14 elements.

Surprisingly in the deep sleep state we don't gather any experiences and we are not even aware of the presence of these 14 elements. More surprisingly we become aware or we have a knowledge that we have slept deeply and feel very refreshed.

So, "who/what" is that which is present and letting us know about our experiences?

We might be under an illusion that we are experiencing so many phenomenon or various aspects of life. But, if we reflect truly and very intriguingly, then there should be something or someone who is witnessing the experiencer and the aspect of experiencing process also.

So, this kind of questioning takes us deep into an aspect where we are thrown into silence and there is no answer really in the form of an answer to our question. What exactly is happening is that we become aware of a witness being ever present and witnessing all aspects of the illusory happenings and the illusory identifications of these happenings.

Hence, this witness is the one that is eternally present and eternally free. The illusion of achieving freedom is again an illusory thought which is arising because of the illusory identifications and entanglements with the various illusory happenings.

So, in truth there is only an eternal witness that is witnessing all the illusory happenings. In summary life is a bundle of illusory happenstances with illusory identifications and illusory entanglements. When we question what/who is actually telling us that, so and so aspect of life is happening? Then with the right approach and seeing we can go beyond the happening, beyond the illusion and beyond the identification. Then, we go beyond the question and instead of finding the answer, we become the answer. In reality we are the answer already. We just need to realize that we are the answer already.

The practice is to:
  • see beyond the seeing and the non-seeing
  • hear beyond the hearing and non-hearing
  • feeling beyond the feeling and non-feeling
  • tasting beyond the tasting and non-tasting
  • smelling beyond the smelling and non-smelling
  • witnessing beyond the doing and non-doing
  • witnessing beyond the thinking, non-thinking, thought and thoughtless
  • witnessing beyond the being and non-being
  • witnessing beyond the entanglement and non-entanglement
  • witnessing beyond the identification and non-identification
  • witnessing beyond the states of wakefulness, dream and deep sleep state
  • witnessing beyond the experience, the experiencer, non-experience and the non-experiencer
  • witnessing beyond the witnessing and non-witnessing
Then the question and the questioner witnesses that in reality they are the answer and the answer is ever present witnessing eternally.

This is what we can call it as the "self" reflecting on the "Self" and realizing that it is the "Self"!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Self Awareness

Self Awareness


The first step in achieving Emotional Intelligence is to become aware of our self which in short is called as self-awareness. However, it is not so easy. 

The self awareness aspect consists two parts:

  1. Self-regard: Accepting and respecting our present self (including our strengths and weaknesses)
  2. Self-actualization: Understanding and achieving our true potential
If we consider Self-regard as point A and Self-actualization as point B, then travelling from point A to point B can be considered as the major aspect of a human-being's life. If I consider point A as my starting point and point B as my destination point, then until and unless I am not very clear about point A, I cannot go to point B. This means I should be thoroughly knowing about my point A and have a complete clarity as this is my starting point. If I do not know my point A, I will not be able to make a clear pathway to my point B.

Point A is accepting our own self the way we are, both in terms of our strengths and weaknesses, our virtues and vices, our pleasure points and unpleasant points (trigger points), our happy moments and sad moments, our likes and dislikes, etc. Until and unless we cannot accept completely we cannot really make progress.

Most of us, we don't feel comfortable in accepting ourselves. We would leave some aspects of our life untouched and these untouched aspects or emotions become blind spots over a period of time and get surfaced out whenever a huge turbulence or turmoil suddenly strikes us. It is of utmost importance for us as a human-being to accept and respect our self the way we are irrespective of whatever challenges, troubles, tribulations that we are facing based upon various circumstances and the environment in which we are.

The best way to understand our own self is self-reflection. We as human-beings have this unique capability when compared to other animals and can spend some time in self-reflection to know ourselves completely. 

The best ways are:
  1. Journaling
  2. Mindful observation of our thoughts (in terms of desires, wants and needs)
  3. Reflecting on our actions of the past and in the present


Journaling helps us to understand more and more our deep rooted emotions that are unanswered and probably have become millstones over a period of time being unaddressed. The best time for journaling would be 30 minutes before going to sleep.

Mindful observation

Mindful observation can be carried out throughout the day and especially taking some time to spend in silence, 

  • to observe and reflect on how our life is being spent and how we are really living? 
  • how much time we are spending on meaningful activities and how much time we are spending on non-meaningful activities? 
  • how much time we are spending on meaningful, value added conversations and how much time we are spending on non-meaningful, non-value added conversations?


Reflection on our actions of the past could be a bit challenging, especially when it is associated with some pain. Hence, one need to be careful and cultivate enough compassion for oneself before attempting this sort of exercise.

Having done so, once we obtain clarity on our point A, we can further reflect on our point B. 

To reach our point B:

  1. We need to understand what is that we require and why we require it?
  2. We have to question whether our point B is really going to add meaning to our life and is it going to fulfill the true purpose of life as a true human being?
  3. To create and make a pathway to our point B we can take help of peers by consulting them or get coached by experts.
  4. We need to gather all the necessary tools and start with tiny steps and reach our true full potential
Self-reflection plays a major role in self-awareness. Self-awareness helps us to maneuver our life and navigate ourselves to more meaningful aspects of life and enhance our overall well-being. Our well-beingness can add some meaning to others well-being there by we can become instrumental in making a better world. By the way the journey of self-awareness is a life-long journey. Just a word of caution. 😊