Meaning of:
वक्र तुण्ड महा काय कोटि सूर्य समप्रभा ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरुमे देव सर्व कार्येशु सर्वदा ॥
vakra tunda mahaa kaaya koti soorya samaprabha |
nirvighnam kurume deva sarva kaaryeshu sarvada ||
Turn me inward from the vast external space to the inner effulgent light that is equivalent to a billion stars so that I never lose sight of my awareness of the internal peace and the wisdom; and carry out all activities ever anchored in that stillness.
वक्र तुण्ड महा काय कोटि सूर्य समप्रभा ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरुमे देव सर्व कार्येशु सर्वदा ॥
vakra tunda mahaa kaaya koti soorya samaprabha |
nirvighnam kurume deva sarva kaaryeshu sarvada ||
Turn me inward from the vast external space to the inner effulgent light that is equivalent to a billion stars so that I never lose sight of my awareness of the internal peace and the wisdom; and carry out all activities ever anchored in that stillness.